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Microgreens: All You Need To Know


What are they?

Microgreens are young vegetable greens that are approximately 1-3 inches tall. They are considered baby plants, falling somewhere between a sprout and a baby green. They come in several varieties and add a splash of color to any dish. They are rich in flavor, with tastes ranging from neutral to spicy, slightly sour or even bitter, depending on the variety. They pack a nutritional punch, making them a good addition to any diet. While their nutrient contents vary slightly, most varieties are rich in potassium, iron, zin, magnesium, copper and tend to be high in antioxidants. In fact, research comparing microgreens to more mature greens report that nutrient levels in microgreens can be up to x9 times higher than those found in mature greens.

How do we eat them?

They are an extremely versatile food that you can incorporate into your diet in so many ways. You can add them to your salads and wraps for some extra crunch. You can blend them into smoothies and juices. You can sprinkle them on top of any dish as a garnish - try them on top of soups, curries, omelets, pasta, pizzas, stir fries or any other hot dishes. You can also combine a few strong and sturdy microgreens (like arugula, pea shoots, beet varieties) together with some dressing and have the most nutritious salad on its own!

How do we care for them?

Maintaining moisture is a key part of keeping microgreens fresh and crunchy. You can store them in their tray by following some simple steps:

  1. Keep them out of direct sunlight.

  2. Keep them at a cool temperature (ideally 2 degrees centigrade; we usually leave it in a cool shaded area in the kitchen for 1-2 days and then move it into the fridge).

  3. Water them, but not too much. The best way is to water the soil from the bottom by placing the tray into a small amount of water. Water seeps in through the holes at the bottom of the punnet and gives water evenly; it also keeps you from unsettling the roots.

  4. Rinse them lightly in cold water and completely dry them before eating.

  5. Once you cut them, you should use them or eat them quickly. If you need to save your microgreens for later: cut them, wrap them in a paper towel, place them in a plastic-seal bag in the fridge and eat them within 7 days.

TIP: It's best to leave your microgreens in the fridge until they need to go on your plate or in your recipe. That way they won't start to dry out or wilt before you serve them.

NOTE: Some microgreens will grow after cutting and some will not. It depends on the variety and seeds.


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